Home School Journey

It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since Scott and I shared our hearts for the children we hoped God would give us. 

We dreamed of names, wondered if we would have a first born son, and even talked about our desire to possibly home school at some point. 

We also shared our deep conviction to be a part of the community, including being very involved in public school. 

Looking back now, I shake my head in disbelief that a decade has passed since we planned for this future! 

Our firstborn is thriving in 4th grade this year, and in June will complete his five years at Delevan Elementary. I have prayed and planned all along the way, but about a year ago I began seeking the Lord again about our plan to possibly home school our children sometime in their middle years. 

The time is upon us! 

Should we pluck him from a school district that has been nothing but caring and educationally sound for him? Dare we remove him from the opportunities that lie ahead in middle school - musicals, advancing sports, and a school that is now honored as one of the best? 

Why would we do this? 
Would it be for the right reasons? 

How could we maintain relationships with the families the Lord has connected us with over the years? 

Our hearts were really torn as we looked at all that was ahead. The answer just wasn't clear until I asked a caring and balanced couple to pray with me. They assured me that nothing would hinder me from hearing God's voice, because I was willing to do whatever the Lord was saying. And after that, it just became clear, when and how He was leading us to begin our Home School Journey. 

Now I can be excited because I know I have heard from the Master. Scott has encouraged me to think in small bits. We will take it one year at a time. 

Ian is looking forward to the journey, too. At the same time, God is still using his public school teachers to enrich his life and encourage him in ways we could not.

Through school he has gained: 

a marked confidence, 
a dependence on us and the Lord, 

Through public school, he has learned: 

how to be a friend, 
that he is not the only fish in the sea, 
how to cope with various teaching styles, 

and, not to mention

At home, we hope to have that family "huddle" before we launch him out into the more independent teen years. 

What a joy to set goals and plan for the year ahead! 

I count myself incredibly blessed to live in a place where I can give Ian the best of both worlds. 

And so our Home School Journey begins!



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