
Showing posts from October, 2010

Home School Journey

It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since Scott and I shared our hearts for the children we hoped God would give us.  We dreamed of names, wondered if we would have a first born son, and even talked about our desire to possibly home school at some point.  We also shared our deep conviction to be a part of the community, including being very involved in public school.  Looking back now, I shake my head in disbelief that a decade has passed since we planned for this future!  Our firstborn is thriving in 4th grade this year, and in June will complete his five years at Delevan Elementary. I have prayed and planned all along the way, but about a year ago I began seeking the Lord again about our plan to possibly home school our children sometime in their middle years.  The time is upon us!  Should we pluck him from a school district that has been nothing but caring and educationally sound for him? Dare we remove him from the opportunities that lie ahead in middle school - mus