Ian wins Reading Rainbow contest for WNED!

We have just recieved the most fabulous news! My firstborn Ian(7) has won first place in the Young Author's and Illustrators contest for second grade! The contest is open each year to students K-3rd grade, as both a national contest with Reading Rainbow and also in each local television viewing area. Ian's story, Captain Kitten was chosen out of almost 200 entries. We are invited to the WNED studio for an Awards Ceremony in June. Ian has been asked to read from his story, and we are excited to accompany him to this special event. We will have more photos and news for you as we find out more. Congratulations, Ian! We are proud of your diligence to use your gifts in a way that both honors God and delights your readers.


  1. "- - Thanks Mom - - for helping make story - -" (in robot voice:)

    This comment was left by Ian Laird, first prize winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations Ian!!!! Way to go!!!!!!


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