Homeschool Links

Bomb Timer Countdown

Online Stopwatch - - helps motivate kids to get their work done!!!  Our personal favorite is here:, but there are several counting up and counting down options at  Enjoy!  Let me know how you like them.

Printable Math Worksheets is a wonderful, free resource where you can print about any math worksheet you can dream of!   Speed drills are completely customizable for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, or mixtures of these operations.  This is a wonderful and free resource, totally adaptable to your child.  Easy to use!!!

FREE Printables ~ Worksheet Generator

Medieval / Castle Theme offers charts to print, by theme!  How wonderful!  The are many choices for each theme, which keeps it interesting week to week.  The set-up and wording lets the child take ownership of their choices.  They have a wide selection for ages 3-10, blank charts, and also behavior charts for teens.   
Fantastic resource!

Free Printable Behavior Charts has excellent, free alphabet animal pages that are really quite exquisite!  I love that every image incorporated in the letters BEGIN with that letter!  And that the artwork is so realistic instead of cartoon-like.  Very nice!

Animal Alphabet Pages

As we transition from early U.S. History to World History for the rest of the year, I am excited to share these printables!  This web site has free printable maps, full areas or by region.  They are also available with labels or blank for testing purposes.  I love it!

Free USA and World Map Printables

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