I've been there | They Overcame

I have lived a few decades now. In this decade, I know family, friends, and stability. But it was not always that way.

I know what it is to live in want.

To have no idea if the love of your life was going to make it through the night. 

To wonder how you'd make $10 of groceries last the week.  

I've been there.  It was hard. But ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS God provided. 

He was there to give grace in the lean weeks, and provision when we couldn't handle it anymore. 

He was there prompting others to pay our rent six months at a time while my husband went through chemo and could only work part time. 

He was there in rides, in the grace to live in Detroit ALONE and make the long trips back and forth to Ann Arbor, even if I had to stop and take a huge breath to quell the fears.

He was there holding my hand when I was in shock for the diagnosis. 

He was there comforting me, washing over me with peace, healing traumatic memories. 

The list of His faithfulness goes on and on and on. But tonight I just want to declare, "HE IS FAITHFUL!"


I have been places you'd never want to be. And my God was there before me, making a way, and pulling me through to the other side.  

He will do the same for ANYONE who comes to Him and simply asks.



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