Unexpected Blessings
Unexpected blessings!
Sweet crispy October beans - even after first frost!
This morning I am full of thanks for the little things. I am turning 40 in two days, and this time of year is just especially beautiful to me. The frost was here, but it didn't touch my few remaining tomatoes and peppers. The last ones are SO yummy and precious, before we have to go back to buying the store produce again. Thankful!
My husband was kind enough to go out in the cold and cover up the beautifully blossoming zinnias that my firstborn bought and planted for me this year for Mother's Day. They lasted all summer and were still shining when we took off the sheet this morning.
Then I checked the beans, found these especially sweet beauties to cook up for lunch ... and saw more blossoms still ready to go! Got to walk around my garden, see the pretty, healthy chickens which have given us an unbelievable amount of beautiful brown eggs this summer .... ahhh. I could just drink in the beauty all around my life.
it was a very lovely morning despite the cold. Today I am thankful for little things.
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