12 Days of Christmas #4 - CTMH TV!!

Wouldn't you love to arrange a few minutes of inspiring technique demos with a crafting expert, right in your own home, right when you need it most? Art & Soul is just that!

If you have not viewed our online webisodes before, this is my Christmas gift to you today!

View this month's show: Art & Soul ~ Stencil, Sparkle and Shine!

My favorite features of our CTMH TV shows are their brevity (just a few minutes each!), their quality (excellently done), and their ingenuity (new ways to use what I already have!)

Viewing Tip: If your video feed is halting, there is help! Just adjust to a lower bandwidth setting underneath the little viewing screen, where you read, "Need Help Watching CTMH TV?" Through this feature, I was able to view the show even on my old dial-up connection. Enjoy!

Don't let the "I"m stuck" winter blues halt your creativity - tune in to CTMH TV through my site to chase those blues away. There is a complete library of shows on various seasons and themes. Just select and GO.

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